Social media practices represent one of the fastest ways to get results from SEO campaigns. And SEO agencies know this, which is why they encourage your active participation on all helpful social media platforms. However, people hold a contrary belief that SEO media is a direct factor in determining your SEO.
That finding may not be precisely accurate, but it doesn’t remove the fact that social media indirectly influences SEO success for your business. Moreover, SEO agencies in Sydney, Australia, have discovered new ways to make your social media marketing count.
Similarly, how can you improve your site SEO using social media? Also, what are your clear SEO goals and objectives to know when you achieve them? Suppose you are successful with digital marketing and SEO for your business. In that case, you cannot overlook the following social media practices.

Technical Practices to Optimize your Site with Social Media
1. Always share helpful contents
Everyone who uses social media has specific expectations of the type of content they can find. Therefore, as social media platforms evolve to connect people, it elevates helpful content. Consequently, high-quality contents are indispensable in Search Engine Marketing and optimization.
In the same way, search engine algorithms for SEO and Google Bots, for example, are evolving to understand users’ intents more. As a result, content providers, business owners, and website owners should create relevant content of high quality.
The more users find these helpful contents, the more they return to the same source. Unlike in the past, when you stuff up keywords of possible search queries, content is king. Therefore, each site must focus more on quality and not necessarily the quantity of content.
2. Make it Easy for Users to Share your Content
Apart from providing high-quality content through your social media channel, it would help to share via social media. An easy way to make social media return good traffic is by integrating it into your site. Moreover, the integration makes it easy for your users who also use social media to share any helpful content they find. learn more about SEO content writing at
In other words, when consumers find quality content, please encourage them to tell others who will also tell others too. Social Media Marketing is incomplete without a proper plan to grow your audience organically. In other words, learn to reach more people through your existing leads and customers.
Furthermore, social media platforms help you get the word out about the contents of your site, including products and services. One way to make it happen is by adding social media share buttons and compelling call-to-action for readers to share content.
3. Optimize your Social Media Profile
The potential reach of your social media platforms largely depends on the SM profile you have. For instance, as much as people find your content interesting, they also need to feel your personality. The reason is that a time comes that what will keep you is more of who you are than what you do.
For example, as an SEO agency, ensures that our brand carries an identity that serves as a persona that our clients can relate with. As a result, when your company submits a proposal for a job, one good way to get background information is through your social media profiles.
Many times, the potential customer usually checks your profile page and your reputation on search engines. So, you may want to ask, how compelling is my social media profile? Do you have the correct interface to attract the intended audience? And when people ordinarily search for your brand, will they access your business?
4. Image Optimization is essential for SEO and Social Media
One of the ways that social media is designed to attract the right audience is through images. Creating the visual appeal enhances your chances of reaching an audience by digital means. Therefore, it is essential to add relevant, optimized ideas for your site or blog to communicate efficiently.
Statistics also show that people respond more to visual images than mere text. Biologically, the human brain is capable of processing visual data and materials faster than text. For instance, the human brain can process 36,000 images 60,000 times faster than any other type of content.
Here are quick tips to optimize your image for SEO
- Use the right file name for your image
- Pick the correct format for optimum speed
- Use responsive images
- Reduce the image file size the least possible that it retains a good quality
- Create attractive captions with your target keywords
- Apart from the image title, add the target keywords to the alt text of the image. While doing this, ensure that that the text still makes sense
5. Build genuine relationships through active engagements
When using social media, remember that you are in touch with real people and not robots. So, even though many AI and robots make digital communication possible, real people are at the other end. As a result, an excellent way to build trust with social media is through relationships.
Relationships allow you to build and nurture trust and establish credibility. Also, you can better understand your target audience, their pains, needs, questions and provide solutions. Instead of an impersonal approach that people often use, a relationship makes your engagement more meaningful.
However, you don’t get to wait all the time for strangers to come directly to you with their problems. Therefore, you need to initiate conversations and then follow up with them over time. Even SEO agencies know they can’t get the best results without viable relationships. How?
- Ask relevant questions about common or possible challenges your audience may have
- Request for their opinions through a blog post, questions, polls surveys, and other means
- Search for questions online and provide answers to them
- Respond to the comments and inquiries for users

Time will not afford me to talk about some other strategies that can give you great results with social media. For example, you should learn to evaluate your social media marketing strategies through analytics. Consequently, analytics reports help you identify areas to intensify by promotion and describe your audience persona. In addition, always uses captivating social media post captions to draw your audience’s attention. Therefore, before choosing the best SEO agency in Sydney for your business, ensure you define what you want. Hopefully, you can use the five social media strategies above to improve your site SEO.