If you want to build your blog audience, you need to get smarter with your SEO content writing. One of the greatest issues that bloggers and content advertisers face is in writing content that is fully optimized for search engines, these contents must also be appealing to the visitor and resolve their problems.
As per Copyblogger, Search Engine Optimization is regarded as a misunderstood subject on the internet. But, SEO content writing isn’t that complicated, once you understand the recipe of SEO contents writing, things will be easy for your and the rule of thumb is that for any content people come first, although search algorithms are also important, it has the secondary nature. SEO firms are making a tremendous amount of money by understanding these simple concepts presented in this short article.
The success of your online business is hidden in the fact that you must go beyond simply “writing content.” Your content needs to accomplish two goals: first, it must appeal to the end-user (customers, clients, prospects, readers, etc.), and secondly, it is able to solve a particular problem of the visitor.
But, how do you create content that meets the above-mentioned goal?
How do you create content that ranks well with Google and also persuades people? That’s what this article along with the short video below is going to teach you. Don’t worry if you can’t afford an expensive SEO copywriter. You can do this by following these simple rules.
Web-site content Optimization
The use of semantic keywords and phrases, which basically indicate phrases and words related to your main keyword, is now of significant importance. Therefore the objective here is to include as much content and put in as many relevant phrases as you can.
Preferably, you ought to have between a thousand and fifteen hundred words in an article. If this produces your page appears very long, you should set your most valuable content at the very top of the webpage and the rest of the content beneath that.
How To Look For Relevant Phrases and words
For example, your primary keyword is Australian Shepherd. Do a Google search using the search string: ” Australian Shepherd” Wikipedia.

From the Wikipedia web page, you’ll be able to gather a good amount of keywords and phrases relevant to your main keyword. In the example below, phrases and words highlighted are relevant to Australian Shepherd which you can employ to build out your content.
So main keyword plus relevant phrases and keywords can make your page super related to the keyword that you have chosen, it will also increase the visual appeal of your web page and will help your site’s content rank near the top of the Google search.