How to get Backlinks
The ultimate goal of any PBN is to make links from PBN to the money site or to the main website and if linking is done properly it will serve the purpose of PBNs will increase money site ranking in search results.
There has been a lot said about how to make links from pbns to the main website, but we are going to explain methods which are working for us for long, according to our experience you should make maximum of 3 links to the main website from a single post and sometimes make only one or two, mix them up it will look natural.
Here is the strategy
Make a link to your main website 1 to 3 times per post. Make one link to the main page like Make 1 to 2 links to the inner pages of your main website like and
Make to 1 to 2 links to other high authority websites like that are not direct competitors to your business this linking strategy will look natural.
Make 1 link to PBN’s other posts and pages.
All good websites make 1 to 2 links to high authority sites this is called outbound linking, 1 or 2 links to inner pages of the same website this is called inbound linking and most PBNs inject 1 to 3 links (as explained above ) at appropriate places to their money site.

Remember the following rules about the anchor texts of the backlinks:
- Limit the exact match keyword anchor text to 5% maximum.
- Use a lot of synonyms like if the keyword is “dogs collar”, you can use best dogs collars, Maud dog collars, Choosing collars, etc.
- Focus on using different types of naked URL links, e.g.,,,, or
In each article, you should make diverse links
E.g. there should be links of different types on your PBN like there should be naked links (, there should be normal links like Dogs Collars, and there should be general links like (read more information about dogs collars by clicking here).
For naked and general links always remember that these types of links must be followed by some meaningful sentence and must be used at the appropriate place like if the paragraph is talking about hockey sticks and you want to make an inbound or outbound link from that paragraph you can make links like this
- if you want to read more information about hockey sticks brands click here
- Read more information about hockey sticks brands at or,, mix them up.
- I found an interesting article about hockey sticks at, and I found it very useful and it may be useful to you in your research.
Sometimes people make intentional mistakes on their PBN’s to make PBN look natural like we can write mistakes and other typing errors.
If you have taken your content from some high authority site and you would like to give credits to that website you can write something like
References and Sources etc.