PBN hosting is one of the most important areas where you need to pay a lot of attention and time. A well-planned hosting helps you to avoid footprints and many people who want to rank their money sites usually make mistakes in this area, their this mistake cost them loss of money and time
It is very important to host PBN on separate IP addresses moreover IP addresses should be of C-Class, because if all of your domains are on the same IP address it may mean that all of the domains are owned by a single person and can be a big footprint. The most important role of the IP addresses is to minimize the footprint of any network.
It’s important for your PBN to have a different IP address, if you host your PBNs on different hosts, read more information about PBN (Private Blog Network) at https://seotraffichero.com/pbn/private-blog-network, there are fewer chances of your network to be detected, your domains should be hosted with different C Block IP address, let’s study this by example.
IP addresses have 4 blocks A, B, C, and D like
In the example above CCC is the block that you need different every time when you host the domain, there are hosting services like hostnine which allow you to host your domains on different C-Class IP addresses moreover they also give you the option to host your domains at different locations, for example, they give you the option to host your domain at a server placed at Singapore, New York, and few more locations.
Example of the Same C Block
These IP addresses are on the same C Block and this is NOT good for a PBN:
Example of Different C Block
These IP addresses are on different C Blocks and this is good for a PBN:

How to Obtain Unique C Block IPs
There are many options for obtaining C-class IP addresses, but you need to be extra careful because your network success will be dependent on this step, here are your main options:
- SEO Hosting – If you are thinking about taking hosting from companies that provide SEO hosting, do not think about getting hosting from these companies it’s really a Bad idea since SEO Hosting leaves a distinct footprint. SEO hosting may seem like a good choice to many people, but it is definitely the worst option. The SEO hosting companies target customers in the world of SEO.
- Cheap Hosting – it’s a better choice and can provide you C-class IP addresses but cheap hosting has very minimum backend support and if you are stuck in a certain problem they are not available, their servers are slow and your site loading and setup time can be slow also moreover when they become out of the market they suffer loss and sometimes they cannot bear the loss and closes there business and in this case, you will lose your hard work and money. For small to medium-sized PBNs Networks, cheap hosting can be the best option. It is actually cheap normally $1 – $2 per month per domain, there is no limit on buying minimum or a maximum number of domains. The downside is that setting up hosting can be time-consuming and you will also need some extra time for network management.
- Reseller Hosting Account – This is the best option you can avail, re-seller hosting is usually bought by big companies, where they resell the hosting to millions of small individuals and organizations, so it’s difficult for Google and other search engines to guess whose domains are hosted on the servers, also on reseller hosting you can get different C-class IP addresses. With reseller hosting accounts you can :
a) Obtain unique IP addresses, usually on different C Blocks.
b) You often have the option to install WordPress automatically.
c) It’s fast as compared to cheap hosting, and good technical support.
d) It’s a great choice when you are planning to set up a medium to large PBN network.
Then Which Hosting is the best
To summarize things
- Do NOT use SEO Hosting – it’s too risky.
- You can use cheap hosting ($1 – $2/month), especially for smaller networks but it has some drawbacks as explained above.
- The best choice is to mix the hosting accounts i.e. use reseller + cheap accounts for medium to large Private Blog Networks.
Sometime there are hosting companies offer hosting at a very low cost, these offers come on some special events like black Fridays etc. Here is the List of Cheap Hosting Companies that you can use
a) hostSo.com
b) mytruehost.com
c) linkalone.com
d) HostBig.com
e) hostripples.com
f) wingedhosting.com
g) ideastackhosting.com
h) hostclimb.com
i) serversub.com
j) 14host.net
k) dohost.us
l) ethernetservers.com
m) acclaimedhost.com
n) turnkeyinternet.net
o) clamhost.com
p) jollyworkshosting.com
q) hostmantis.com
r) iitsp.com
s) web3k.com.au
t) t1hosting.com
The above-mentioned host is mostly between $1 – $2 per month.
Recommended Reseller Accounts
HostNine Reseller
- $19 per month, up to 100 domains, 1-year contract
- 6 locations, Many C Blocks per location