Who won’t prefer to dominate Google rankings for the top ten spots? It’s our dream to remain on the top this is the focal ground for doing SEO and executing the so-called 201 Google webmaster rules.
Let’s analyze, when and how often did you rank on Google’s front page?
Scarcely right!
Everyone is battling to be contented with the front page. Your online status can impact virtually every facet of your digital marketing program from the conversion rate on your pages to your click-through rate in paid search. Controlling the conversation around your brand is decisive in advocating and enhancing your reputation.

Let’s look at how you can monopolize all brand real estate on the first page of Google.
1. Determine Your Niche
Your business may offer various products and services, but the one specific product or service your industry is known for, or you would like to be known for is the niche you ought to dominate on Google. The initial step to dominating your niche on Google is figuring out what it is. The more precise your niche, the better will be to target your audience. Relying on your competition and resources, it can be exceptionally troublesome and rarely unfeasible to dominate multiple niches on Google. So, it’s generally better to focus on one niche.
2. Optimize with Niche Specific Keywords
Once you have decided on your niche to dominate, you should create a list of potential keywords that you would like to rank after determining and understanding your target audience- which can get a high search volume. It also requires being specific. You can’t dominate a niche by going after common keywords. Optimizing for keywords regarding your niche has multiple paybacks. These keywords will be less aggressive and consequently less demanding to rank well and, will convey traffic to your site that is further probable to convert.
3. Research the keyword in the Google keyword
It all starts with the words typed into a search box. Getting visitors to your site is not so worth it, but it’s all about getting the right sort of visitors. Your website can make or break as you rank for the right keyword. By examining your industry’s keyword demand, you cannot just realize which term and expressions to focus on SEO, additionally, take in more about your customer all in all.
Criteria for keyword:
- Over 200 exact monthly searches
- Over $1 CPC if the Adsense website
- You can also check competition and earnings potential.
There are more things to look and everyone does this differently. Please feel free to share your criteria for picking keywords in the comment section.
4. Research your Competitors
It’s better to keep your friend close and your enemies closer. Whatever the industry you’re in, keeping track of your main competitors is worthwhile. It would be better if you type in the keyword and go to at least five of the top-ranking websites. It aids to see what content they are offering, and more importantly what content they are not offering. The question is what is missing, and what can you do better? It takes experience to recognize an opportunity or loophole that is available. Therefore do not panic if you cannot pick anything wrong with your competitor’s websites. The knowledge will come with experience.

5. Perform On-page SEO
When it comes to on-page SEO, I’m sure you’ve heard enough about drills like Meta tags, Meta descriptions, H1, H2, H3, keyword density, and so on. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals. On-page SEO techniques are a massive part of how you can make money. After researching your competitor’s websites, you now know what to include in your content. You can also take the best parts of all your competitors and use them in your one article. That makes your article the one-stop shop for that keyword. The big difference between you and your competitors is that you would have optimized your content and will dominate Google search because you have invested the time to succeed.
6. Write for Humans – SEO tips
Read through your post after doing your on-page SEO optimization and make sure you have killer content that is suitable for humans and not made for the search engines. Yes, we do need on-page SEO, but there is a delicate balance between writing for search engines and writing for humans. You can definitely incorporate both methods into your post and with experience, this will not be noticeable. Your post will simply look like you have not performed search engine optimization it at all.
7. Internal linking
Internet linking within your website is one of the best SEO tips and is far more important than any other linking. Let’s face it, if you are not giving your own post a thumbs up, then how can you expect others to do so? Link building into your website can help your own articles to rank in the search engines. Such links should be contextually relevant to the course and the longer your article, the more such links you should have to various authority sites. The right links can drive traffic to your site which can convert into leads.
8. Articles distributed
You are great at creating high-quality content but maybe nobody is reading it. At this time you should do all sorts of article marketing. This can include all ways of submitting your original content to various article submission sites like Ezine articles, one-off submissions, posting an article on blogger, also on a free WordPress blog, Squidoo, Guest posting, and self-publication….on and on. There is no right way or wrong way; the only way is the one that works for you.
9. Other linking
As we have already explained that there is no right or wrong way the marketing your sites; the only way is the one that works at any cost. At the same time, it really doesn’t mean that you can mention irrelevant links but those that add value to your post. We guess you don’t want to be seen as the spammer and leave links where they are not welcome. It’s better to use do-follow article sites for this purpose as you can get enough no-follow links to balance your link-building efforts.
10. Using your Websites
Just using your existing websites is fine to get a possible backlink to the article you are promoting. Of course, the two topics have to be related and this is why you should make websites that are in a similar niche. This is a huge advantage and is one of the reasons you shouldn’t venture into outside topics. This is not totally necessary but is definitely an advantage if you have this opportunity.
Owning brand conversation in the digital landscape is critical to converting customers from all marketing channels. Dominating the first page of Google for your brand terms is the first of many steps to achieving this. It requires a lot of time and effort to execute these five steps successfully, but if you do, you will be well on the way to dominating your niche on Google as it would help you engage more customers, convert more customers, and build your online reputation.
Hope I made my point.
Have any questions, or critics, or contemplating any facts, hit us in the comment box below.