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When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), businesses have to always be one step ahead of the competition. If you’re not doing everything in your power to stay on top of the latest trends and changes in the SEO world, you’re going to get left behind. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can study your competitors’ SEO strategies in order to stay ahead of the curve.

One of the best ways to stay on top of your SEO game is to study your competitors’ strategies. By understanding what they’re doing, you can adapt and improve upon their methods. There are a few different ways you can go about doing this:

How can I do SEO Competitor Analysis?

In advertising, most seo competitors analysis are simply an unsatisfactory exploration of the simple. In most cases this will cost a lot of time. In the worst cases this obsession is catastrophic: you’re competing with the right people and your competitors don’t need the buyer. Why does competitive research seem so obscure? We’ll never know what works unless we get concrete evidence for the results. Your competitors were not planning on giving their results back. In SEO competitive studies are regarded as the humongous tree whose fruits are low hanging. What’s the reason?

Use Google’s Search Console:

This tool allows you to see how often your competitors’ websites are appearing in Google’s search results. You can also see what keywords they’re ranking for and get an idea of their overall SEO strategy.

Use Google's Search Console

Check out their backlinks:

Backlinks are one of the most important aspects of SEO. By checking out your competitors’ backlinks, you can get an idea of where they’re getting their traffic from and what kind of link building strategy they’re using. learn more about building backlinks at https://seotraffichero.com/private-blog-network/how-to-build-backlinks-naturally-that-boost-ranking/

Check out their backlinks

Use a tool like Screaming Frog:

Screaming Frog allows you to crawl your competitors’ websites and see how they’re structured. This can give you insight into their overall SEO strategy and help you identify any areas where you can improve.

Screaming Frog

How to steal your competitors’ traffic

By now, you should have a good understanding of your competitor’s SEO strategy. The next step is to “steal” their traffic.

There are a few ways to do this:

Keyword Research

The first way is to find the keywords that they are ranking for and try to rank for those same keywords. This can be difficult, especially if your competitor has been in the game longer than you have.

Keyword Research

The best way to find out what keywords they are ranking for is to use a tool like Ahrefs. Just enter their domain into the Site Explorer and then click on the “Keywords” tab. This will show you all of the keywords that they are ranking for, try to rank for those same keywords. This can be difficult, especially if your competitor has been in the game longer than you have.

SEO Competitor Analysis: Discover your competitor’s keywords

Are SEOs So Convenient? It would be surprising to say that most people are less worried about search engine confusion than they are worried about. If they add competition, their fear is low. My marketing career has been very helpful in this area: Imagine reverse engineering the success of a competitor and finding its weakness so that they can win more often. It is an interesting game. This can be achieved using competitive intelligence. You need to learn strategies to improve your effectiveness and gain competitive advantage.

Keyword Gap Analysis

One simple way to get insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy is to look at the keywords they are targeting that you are not. This can be done using a variety of tools, but my personal favorite is SEMrush.

Keyword Gap Analysis

To start, create a project for your website in SEMrush. Then, go to the “Keyword Gap” tool and add your competitor’s domain. You’ll see a list of all the keywords your competitor is ranking for that you are not.

This can be a great starting point for finding new keywords to target. Simply take this list of keywords and start creating content around them. Over time, you should start to see an increase in traffic from these keywords.

Link Gap Analysis

Another way to get insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy is to look at the links they are building. This can be done using a variety of tools, but my personal favorite is Majestic.

To start, create a project for your website in Majestic. Then, go to the “Competitive Link Profile” tool and add your competitor’s domain. You’ll see a list of all the links your competitor has built.

This can be a great starting point for finding new opportunities to build links. Simply take this list of links and start reaching out to the websites that are linking to your competitor. Let them know that you have similar content on your website and would love if they would link to you as well, over time, you should start to see an increase in links from these websites.

Social Media Analysis

Another way of getting insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy is by looking at their social media presence. This can be done using a variety of tools, but my personal favorite is BuzzSumo.

Social Media Analysis

To start, create a project for your website in BuzzSumo. Then, go to the “Competitors” tab and add your competitor’s domain. You’ll see a list of all the social media accounts your competitor has.

This can be a great starting point for finding new opportunities to build links and increase traffic. Simply take this list of social media accounts and start following them. Over time, you should start to see an increase in traffic from these sources.

Top Content Analysis

Finally, another way of getting insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy is by looking at their top content. This can be done using a variety of tools, but my personal favorite is BuzzSumo.

To start, create a project for your website in BuzzSumo. Then, go to the “Content” tab and add your competitor’s domain. You’ll see a list of all the pieces of content your competitor has published.

Google SERP Analysis

One last way to get insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy is by looking at their organic search results on Google. This can be done using a variety of tools, but my personal favorite is Moz.

Where I can find quality backlinks?

To start, create a project for your website in Moz. Then, go to the “SERP Analysis” tool and add your competitor’s domain. You’ll see a list of all the keywords your competitor is ranking for organically on Google.


As you can see, there are a variety of ways you can get insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy. By doing some simple analysis, you can quickly find new opportunities to improve your own SEO strategy. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start analyzing your competitor’s SEO strategy today!