It’s either Facebook’s big push in live video or Instagram driving on snap chats stories format, the battle between social media has been brutal as each platform clashes for a stake of the courtesy. In this competitive scenario of all the social platforms, it is leading to massive growth that speaks to their worth.
Just as you’ve wrapped your head around, the rule changes as the new set of features develop great new marketing tactics. So, what will 2023 bring and what social media trends do businesses need to be aware of next year?
Here are our 7 predictions that we expect to see in 2023.
Live Streaming Videos

Last year Meerkat was one of the first social networks that brought live streaming to the masses, then Twitter bought Periscope and blocked Twitter’s sharing on Meerkat. The previous year, Facebook introduced live streaming only for celebrities. Recently it was rolled out for all users. YouTube live will also be launched soon.
Visual content has been the major key to increase the higher engagement with the responsibility for the growth enjoyed by any business. As social networks fight to keep people online, this push into live video makes sense. This trend is changing how we share our stories, live events, and educate. This creates opportunities to release potential and engaging content for your audience.
Rise of Chat Bots

Chatbots are artificial intelligence that is designed to stimulate intelligent conversation. This conversational agent offers flexible options to automate tasks and assist in repossessing data. The popularity of chatbots has helped to boost the customer experience and got people used to talking to their phones rather than exercising their fingers. The chatbots are designed to answer the possible queries of their customers and the management of the booking system. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Google Allo are hosting integrated bots to comfort the customer service that makes the sense for brands letting common questions be answered.
Social Commerce

Marketers often wonder about the “ROI of social media”. Does my engagement on the Facebook page do anything for my bottom line? Is all this tweeting really driving sales? Should I go for Instagram and Pinterest?
Social media and social commerce are really vital to be an intrinsic chunk of every business marketing strategy and its growth. It is the only platform where companies get the chance to interact with their target audiences and other customers. This trend had undergone a dramatic change to gain the attention of the customers as this brings them the chance to advertise the products to their customers and sell their products.
Mobile First

There’s no one in the world who doesn’t have a mobile in their hands. Social media has been the main cause of this evolution. The existence of a heap of mobile users has made the business nurture their online existence so that they can target their customers and value their increasing. Thus, it has been the prominent factor every year, and this year is no different. Mobile traffic has left desktops behind on the web this year. Google has been working on a new mobile-first web index. These reckless changes have forced us to improve the mobile experience as well as possible. It’s the age to put mobile first, rather than simply optimizing for mobile.
Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

Although we heard a lot about virtual reality in 2022, we didn’t find any of its implications. The blue truth is we are still beginning our VR/AR journey. Last year some of the content was initiated in the form of 360 VR videos and a bumping game to catch a Rattata Pokémon Go. This exhibited that there is a huge plea for it if it is executed well. Although some of the VR sets went on sale and generated hype that killer app is yet to discover. Its practical implications are yet to be worked out beyond gaming.
Social Media Transforming Business in a Trust Economy

It was in the past when social prestige was placed higher. People were unknown of the facts and answerable for what an entrepreneur shows. Any of the mistakes and complaints are placed behind the doors. All the conversation on the telephone, in letters, or even in email discussion was private and hidden. But now in 2023, all the stuff blazes like the wind. It’s all visible and sometimes vital. This transparency has been so helpful for the new business paradigm as it increases brand loyalty and trust for the brands. Customers are attached to those brands whose visibility is clear and worthy.
The Height of Personalization

In this digital world, all the tools have become smarter. All the things we post on social media should fit all customers of different natures. The advertisement should get customized and a relevant amount of content needs to be published to the right people at the right time all across the web and social networks. Your customers will choose your peers if you are not able to personalize and focus on a specific target as they have many choices. Relevance is the king of grasping an abstracted eye and online glimpse into this noisy realm of data clutter.
So in Conclusion
This is just scratching the surface. As people come up with more innovative content and ways to distribute them, social media will only get bigger.
It’s obviously bot-wise to dig up to find how right or wrong I am. A lot can happen in twelve months.
What trends do you think we’ll see this year in the world of social media? Let us know in the comments below.